Varsågud A Polite Phrase With Many Meanings

“Varsågod” pronounced (var sha gud) is usually translated as “you're welcome” however; there are three main contexts in which you might hear or use this word.

**Firstly, if someone says tack (thank you)…for example they picked up something you dropped, you can respond “varsågod” (you're welcome). If someone didn’t help you pick up what you dropped, you can use it more passive aggressively and mumble under your breath “varsågod!”

**Secondly, when giving something to someone, such as if you’re at a coffee shop and the barista passes you your beverage and says “varsågud”, then it would mean “here you go”…which would be similar to Prego in Italian. For example “Varsågod här är din kaffe” (Here you go here is your coffee).

**Thirdly, The Swedish language doesn’t have a direct translation for “please.” If you want to stress politeness, for example when ordering off a menu, you can begin your sentence in a slightly formal way.

“Varsågod och”(ock) which literally means something like “please be so kind as to…” For example “Varsågod och sitta ner.” (Please sit down).

The plural form is “varsågoda” which is used when addressing more than one person. If you're in a restaurant, a waiter might show you to your table with the words “varsågod” (if you're on your own) or “varsåguda” (for groups), meaning something like “please sit down.”

Lastly, if you are texting a Swede, you can abbreviate varsågod to “vsg” and they will know exactly what you mean.

It’s your turn to practice the phrase! “Varsågod att träna med denna fras!” (You are welcome to practice with this phrase).

“Varsågod” : (somewhat formal) “please” used to make a polite offer to someone to do something. “Varsågod och sitt.” : “Please, have a seat.”

“Varsågod” “here you are”, “there you are”; said when you hand something over to someone.

“Varsågod” “you're welcome” response to a “thank you”

“Varsågod" please'; used to introduce an offer.“Varsågod” (single person) “Varsågoda och ta för er av smörgåsbordet.” (more than one person) “Please, help yourselves to the smorgasbord.”